old blog that sadly died...

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Dorothy Cross

Ok, I'll nail my colours to the mast, I'm a fan! Her work is haunting, it probes at something deep with us, and can cause feelings of unease and discomfort. Her images stay with you for long after you've left the gallery. As one of the very few Irish artists to be recognised internationally, she definitely deserves your time. Her recent show in IMMA, which featured pieces such as the virgin shroud (on loan from the Tate modern), was the highlight of the year for me.

She pokes around at the Irish psyche, on ideas deep within us around religion and our views on feminity and sexuality. Some of her work can be a little hit and miss, but when she gets it right, there's few better.

Some of my favourite of her images include an old bible core drilled through the centre, the virgin shroud, a statue of the virgin Mary covered in cow hide, with a crown made of udders, which looks like something from a Japanese horror movie, as it looms in the corner of the room.

Another of her pieces 'Ghost Ship', she covered a disused boat in Dun Laoghaire harbour with luminous paint and then shown an intense light on it. When the light was extinguished, the boat glowed in the bay. Something i'm annoyed i missed.

Her new show in the Kerlin gallery opens today. Go have a peek, it should be one of the more interesting shows in town.

Kerlin gallery includes images and biography

There's also Brigid Flannery in the Cross gallery at the moment, with some beautiful abstract pieces. I've only seen them on the net yet, but was very impressed! Its a good time for the ladies!

Cross Gallery



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