old blog that sadly died...

Monday, January 22, 2007


Stranger than strange how this movie was made. Hard to believe Hollywood is so hard up for ideas that they have to do the same movie twice in as many years! Still, it was a worthwhile effort. Well acted throughout (even Sandra Bullock tried hard, god love her) and still enough in the story to keep you questioning Capote's motives and actions.

The movie takes a very different slant from the other effort, adding an unexpected love story (James Bond kissing Capote will live long in the memory!). It felt a little like two kids in the school yard telling the same story, with their own slant on it, the facts getting more distant with each telling. I guess the truth of what happened in the time Capote was working on the book will never be known for definite, as all those involved are now dead, and even if they were still alive, the movie is strong to suggest that Capote's relationship with the truth was fragile at best, and he was more interested in what sounded best than what really happened!

This movie does focus on Capote's life in New York more than the other, and the 'swans' (the elite females of new york he befriended) are some of the more interesting things about the movie.

I can't help but wonder what my opinion would have been of this movie if I hadn't seen the other one so recently. I think I would have enjoyed it much more, but the simple fact is that the other does exist and is a superior movie on most levels. Having said this, it is worth while for his clothes and one liners alone! Go enjoy...


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