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Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Current Exhibitions

IMMA is back to full speed at the moment, with three exhibitions recently opened, and according to the curator, has had some of its largest attendances ever, in the last couple of weeks. This is down to the quality of the shows on display, and long may it continue. It may be on the outskirts of town, but is well worth a visit at the moment.
Thomas Demand - This is an exhibition of photographer Thomas Demand, showing work from various stages of his career. These gigantic works, show a world not unlike our own, but obviously something is different. If you look quickly at the work, it would appear nothing different from an office scene or apartment block, but it is only when you take your time to view in detail what it is showing, that it begins to reveal itself.

He creates models of the world to photograph, but they have subtle differences from reality. Phones appear without buttons, doors without knobs, the complexity of every situation has somehow been removed, to focus on the form and the long fluid lines, that he is fascinated by. Even the photo of a clearing in a forest is somehow unreal, and it is almost impossible to tell what is real and what he has created.


Alex Katz - This was the least interesting of the three shows, in my opinion, but still had something of value within. They are naive painting of people, sometimes poets and friends, sometimes group scenes of everyday life. Largely with a solid black or grey background, so you can focus on the individual and not on what is around them. They almost seem to float, living in a void, and removed from their every day life.
He is at his best, in the few scenes he paints of people and their surroundings, which are very evocative of a period and a location. (One of stockbrokers in New York in the 80's particularly stands out). I was slightly disappointed, due to the reputation that proceeded this artists work, but still did enjoy some of it.


Georgia O'Keefe - A small collection of the artists work, including paintings and sculpture. A few commentators have suggested that her painting of flowers were actually that of a females body, and that seemed evident to me. He has a strong understanding of colour, and at their best, they are quite beautiful

Hugh Lane -
Tacita Dean - This is a collection of video art, paintings and sculpture by the English contemporary artist, and turner award nominee, Tacita Dean. The few that really caught my imagination were two video pieces, one of a plant producing camera film. It dwells on the strange machinery and processes involved in the production process. Sometimes, the reams of glowing film seem almost like abstract paintings, as the shimmer and glow, almost rainbow like, sometimes it focus on the rugged machinery, and its arms, wheels and cogs.

The other video piece is of a convent in Cork, and in contrast to the other piece, focuses on how slow and steady life is in these places. The long corridors at sunset, set alight as the sun comes through the stain glass windows, and other images to capture the mood of their life styles. It reminded me of the 'into the silence' film, currently showing in the IFI.



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