old blog that sadly died...

Monday, January 29, 2007


Babel is the three stories, vaguely linked together on a vaguely similar theme!

I had read a number of reviews of the movie, that were not very excited by it, but still i felt that i would be different, and that i would really like it! i've seen the director's other work, and while not being blown away by them, i've always enjoyed them.

This was by far his worst work to date. two of the three stories were dull in the extreme. Brad Pitt seemed to be cast for his ability to run around and look confused! He cried on the phone to his son, and acted kranky with most everyone else!

The second story to the mexican woman who got lost in the desert... i mean really, scenes of her looking exhausted, wandering, kicking a bottle to see it there was water in it. One cliche after another! Second awful story.

The third story was the saving grace of the three. A well written piece about a mute girl in Japan who is coming to terms with the death of her mother. If they had kept it as just this one segment, i could have been in and out of the cinema in under and hour, and i'd have been much the happier for it!

Not the worst thing you'll see at the cinema this year, but certainly not the best! Probably one of those movies to leave for a went night on dvd!



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